The Art Of Choosing You
Claim your Power in the Crone Season of Life for Freedom and Fulfilment
Dear Wise Woman,
Hello! I see you.
You’ve accomplished so much in your life. And have many moments of profound satisfaction with your day-to-day experience of living – from mothering, to a successful career, to creative projects and contributions – you marvel at what has been, and honestly find yourself evaluating what’s to come.
Most likely, you long for this to be your best season yet. Same with me!
Here are important questions for you:
Do you ever feel that you have unrealized potential or an ‘unlived life’?
Maybe you’re considering retirement. Do you feel ambivalent about what’s next?
Have you noticed pesky fears of aging or becoming irrelevant bubbling up inside?
Are there times you find yourself perplexed about what your role is now?
Can you imagine how your life would benefit when you finally remain connected to your inner guidance? (so you enjoy the fruits of designing life on your terms ….that’s Crone freedom!)
In your quiet moments, do you have a yearning, a sense of being called to something more, but don’t see what’s possible? (hint: it’s your soul nudging you to blossom)
Are you ready to nurture the hidden power that rests inside you? (So that you finally choose yourself and know unapologetic freedom)
If even one of those questions created an inner ‘ping’, a resonance within, then I invite you to read further. Because this is good news.
It means you’ve stepped into a new stage of life.
This stage of a Woman’s Life has many names.
The Third Act.
The Wise Elder.
The Mentor.
The Matriarch.
The Sage.
The Crone.
There’s not a blueprint.
BUT… there is a profound opportunity for you to step fully into the potential of this season.
A potential that I call The Crone. More specifically, The Succulent, Soulful Crone.
You may have a variety of responses to the word Crone. These can range from curiosity to delight to repulsion. And that’s perfectly normal and wise. If you look up ‘The Crone’, you’ll first read descriptions of withered, disagreeable old hags, and more derogatory representations.
Who wants that?
Right. Noone.
This is how our society often wants you to be: irrelevant, tossed aside.
I’m a stand for Embracing the Crone in these unprecedented times because I believe that:
Her wisdom and energy are what will inspire lasting change in this world.
Inner authority in a woman’s crone years is not just a feeling, it is the answer to confidently navigating this phase of life. a
It is a declaration of resilience, strength, and the knowledge gained through a lifetime of experiences.
Her spirit is strong, her heart is compassionate, and her presence commands respect
The truth is,
The Crone represents a wise, provocative, and generative Woman in the last third of her life. She symbolizes the wisdom, power and truth that comes with age and experience.
The power of deeply trusting herself, with ease in decision-making.
The power of complete self-acceptance: her wisdom and her “wrinkles”.
The power of embracing the physical changes of age and deeply appreciating her body.
The power of connection with like-minded women, which amplifies joy, creates mutual understanding and showcases the vibrancy of the Crone.
I know that it is possible for you to:
Feel excited by the potential of this stage of life
Have a clear sense of direction for this chapter
Tap into possibilities for what’s next
And craft a life that aligns with the radiant essence of your true, empowered self.
My question to you:
How do you claim and unleash your power now that you’ve reached this most important threshold?
I have an invitation for you to explore the power and potential in this remarkable season so that you can cherish your needs and dreams, and explore what might be in the way of you making intentional choices that honor your own well-being and happiness.
Would you like to bask in the Magic of the Modern-day Crone, the beacon of feminine power and grace in the second half of life?
I’m hosting a special2-day retreat called ‘The Art of Choosing YOU’ in September, and it’s the perfect opportunity for us to explore your dreams and desires. You’ll gain clarity around your heart’s longing and what’s in the way.
It’s the perfect opportunity to go deep:
Discover the true potential and power of the Crone more fully
Identify what resistance and fears you have at this stage of life
Overcome the biases, if not aversion, you hold toward aging
Explore the VOICE of the wise Crone inside you, freeing you to own what is true for you so you design your next chapter in accordance with it
Enjoy playful experiences that help you connect with your inner guidance
Empower the desires and dreams you have put aside, but know it’s time to claim
Get real about the longing and urgency you feel to ensure you move from an unlived life to one FULL of self-expression
Create clarity and confidence in choosing you
AND - you’ll get to do it in the company of amazing Crone Women, feel the support and the love, because we’re stronger when we’re together.
I’ll be your guide!
If you’re interested, I’d be thrilled to support you in choosing yourself fully and powerfully.
Here’s the place to make the choice that supports your flourishing in this season.